Donate Today

Your gift helps individuals with disabilities to get jobs!

Help us provide job placement and long-term follow up support to CAREERS’ clients like Tom, who works in food service at a Valhalla middle school and has been a CAREERS client since 1999! He is one of over 2,800 individuals that CAREERS’ has placed in jobs and provided ongoing long-term support to make sure they are successful.

Since 1987, all of our services are provided AT NO COST to our clients and their families! Although CAREERS receives county and state funding, your support is crucial to bridge the gap between funds we receive and the cost to implement our programs.


There Are Many Ways to Donate or Pledge Your Support:

  1. Download and print the donation form here and mail a check or money order. Please make checks out to: CAREERS Support Solutions, Inc., 400 Columbus Avenue, 123S, Valhalla, NY, 10595.
  2. Donate
  3. Donate onLine

Become a Monthly Sustainer

Our Monthly Sustainer Program is an easy and affordable way to make your support go further. It saves administrative costs and your donation will go more directly to the programs that support the individuals with disabilities that we serve.

There are two options:
  1. Return this coupon and your check to CAREERS Support Solutions, 400 Columbus Avenue, Suite 123 South, Valhalla, NY 10595 and we will provide additional coupons and envelopes that you can return at your convenience every month, along with your receipt.
  2. Set up automatic monthly payments via PayPal by pressing this “Donate”  button and checking the box to “Make this a monthly donation“.


Please note that all donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Include CAREERS in Your Will

You’ve taken care of your retirement and your children… what about individuals with disabilities in Westchester, Dutchess and Putnam Counties? Your legacy can make a huge difference to people in need by improving the quality of their lives.

Designate one of the following to CAREERS in your will:
last will and testament

  • a specific dollar amount
  • a percentage of your estate
  • the residual amount of your estate after other beneficiaries receive specified amounts,
  • a specific asset such as real estate or stocks.
  • name CAREERS Support Solutions, Inc. as beneficiary of a life insurance policy, an IRA, a 40lK, Keogh or other pension plan.

Keep in mind that your will can be amended at any time.

Bequest Options

One of the best ways to help CAREERS continue its mission of helping people with disabilities is by making a bequest in your will. There are three different kinds of bequests and the entire value of any of these types of bequests is eligible for both a federal and New York state estate tax charitable deduction.

Specific Bequest. You designate a particular property (such as shares of stock), dollar amount, or percentage of your estate to be transferred to CAREERS.

Contingent Bequest. You designate all or a portion of your estate to be transferred to CAREERS only if a named beneficiary predeceases you.

Residual Bequest. You designate all or a portion of your remaining (residuary) estate to be transferred to CAREERS Support Solutions, Inc. only after all other beneficiaries (including debts, taxes, and other expenses) have been paid.

Even a small percentage of your estate can make a difference to individuals with disabilities. If you decide to make a bequest, share your plan with your attorney and financial advisors, who will draft appropriate language for your will and help structure the gift effectively. If you have any questions, please call CAREERS Executive Director Tina Cornish-Lauria at (914) 741-8500 x111.

Your legacy will make a difference to individuals with disabilities throughout Westchester and Putnam Counties, and ultimately to our entire community.

For more financial information, as well as more information on our programs and services, click this link to visit Guidestar.  

Thank you for your support!