CAREERS offers the following services to help individuals with disabilities prepare for, find and keep rewarding jobs:
Comprehensive Person-Centered Services
CAREERS focuses on the total person. We help each individual solve job-related issues, including transportation, special equipment, and medical needs. We also make referrals to other agencies that specialize in certain areas, such as counseling, recreation and benefit advisement.
Assessment of Skills, Abilities and Job Preferences
We provide an in-depth assessment of each individual’s strengths, weaknesses, skills, interests, special needs, employment history, employment goals, and educational history.
Internship and Job Preparation Support
Including resume writing, interviewing skills and personal presentation.
Internship and Job Development
Each person is assigned a professional Employment Specialist who provides resume writing assistance, as well as coaching on interviewing techniques, personal presentation, and other job seeking skills.
Internship and Job Placement
Our Employment Specialists set up interviews and accompany clients, as needed, to guide them through the interview process. We provide these services until each individual obtains an appropriate job or internship. We help individuals find long-term jobs or internships that offer friendly, secure working environments and the chance for advancement.
View possible employment opportunities
Where Our Clients Work
CAREERS offers individualized job search services for each client based upon where he or she lives, his or her work history and job preferences. Here are just some of the employers with whom we have partnered:
View our partial list of employers
Job Coaching
Employment Specialists provide on-the-job training, when necessary, working with each individual until he or she is firmly established on the job. Once each person is stabilized at work, cur Employment Specialists continue to provide needed support and are always available.
Ongoing Support
Long-term job coaching services are available, as needed. This enables us to provide continued partnerships to strengthen and enhance the working relationship between employer and employee.
One of our primary goals is to educate the public about the capabilities of people with disabilities and advocate on their behalf to secure and maintain meaningful employment.